"" Cricket is back ", the new show of Beppe Grillo is white magic. Telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, teleportation, have become reality. The psychic powers of the Network are now available to everyone. "Cricket is back" is always "work in progress" without a fixed script, in which anything can happen.
Two hours for viewers who want to fly super. The stage will feature a large screen, a semi-circular cyclorama that envelops the space in which it moves Grillo. A big-screen backdrop on which are formed from time to time in writing, concepts, images, interacting with his words. "
The tour Beppe Grillo arrive in Sicily in January!
Here are the dates: January 12
: Palermo (Golden Theatre)
January 14: Agrigento (Teatro Palaforum Sports Village)
January 15: Trapani (State Theater Titus Brown)
January 17: Messina (Teatro Vittorio Emanuele)
January 18: Catania (Teatro Metropolitan)
Prices (valid at least for Catania): €
stalls. € 39.00
armchair. € 33.00
Yours. 22.00
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