Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pokemon Gold Rom Emulator


In recent days the talks between the Houses of Italian Premier, the reference to Sarkozy, on the part of 'Europe' (for the policy carried out against Roma), the 'operation of the ROS that would (?) severely affected the 'Ndrangheta ( chance (?) wants it to be publicized and exploited by a Government in search of confidence now ...), the usual protests against landfills in Campania, the news Suu Kyi who is finally freed after the elections Burma, Canalis and Clooney are increasingly happy that Tony Curtis is dead and instead Tinto Brass is better ... we've really heard great things!
Belle in an ironic sense, in some cases, and beautiful, because beautiful ... I really am beautiful, in others (both clearly and easily identifiable).

All this aside, today I want instead to talk back to Sakineh. The focus must not fall!
The Iranian authorities have begun to work for the execution of the sentence from other roads ... They skillfully and systematically sent out contradictory statements, with the evident purpose of raising a cloud of dust, causing confusion in the 'Public Opinion about the legal position of Sakineh.
Furthermore, it is clear the attempt to change the charge for change also the modes of execution: hanging by stoning.
Thus, the confusion, the Iranian authorities are confident of adding a minor outrage, being the second most modern methodology ... (?)
Here. These are the devices on which a judicial system is arbitrary and devoid of guarantees of human rights points.

My nausea is growing exponentially. And 'our duty to stop this crap! Excuse me, but otherwise I can not define it.
Contibuiamo to increase international pressure and we never stop indignant please!

to sign the new Amnesty can accedere da qui .

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Twisted Bowel Needs Immediate Surgery


Sit there, hmm, count your fingers.
What else, what else is there to do ?
Oh and I know how you feel,
I know you feel that you’re through.
Oh wah wah ah sit there, hmm, count,
Ah, count your little fingers,
My unhappy oh little girl, little girl blue, yeah.

Oh sit there, oh count those raindrops
Oh, feel ’em falling down, oh honey all around you.
Honey don’t you know it’s time,
I feel it’s time,
Somebody told you ‘cause you got to know
That all you ever gonna have to count on
Or gonna wanna lean on
It’s gonna feel just like those raindrops do
When they’re falling down, honey, all around you.
Oh, I know you’re unhappy.

Oh sit there, ah go on, go on
And count your fingers.
I don’t know what else, what else
Honey have you got to do.
And I know how you feel,
And I know you ain’t got no reason to go on
And I know you feel that you must be through.
Oh honey, go on and sit right back down,
I want you to count, oh count your fingers,
Ah my unhappy, my unlucky
And my little, oh, girl blue.
I know you’re unhappy,
Ooh ah, honey I know,
Baby I know just how you feel.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kates Playground Frrre

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Nasal Polyp Neck Lump



E'  il Ricordo  l'origine di molti mali.

Vile Him!
instigator of disappointments
that swallow emotions.
incinerator misplaced hopes.

that wears out and annihilates prowess.

So empty is my refuge in the sacred temples.

- Spes, 09/09/2010 -

* *********

Dear friends ... mes amis,
to the end week (and it seems almost to assign homework) I'll leave you to read a good mix of a dark thought (above) and a riflessioncina social character (below).

This morning I left the house with the intent to buy a pillow!
The sooo. You will already be telling you: " yet? He's got this one with the pillows! " Well, nooo! This time I do not speak of the pillow (by the way, the torticollis I think it is chronic now) but a pillow to rest my beloved ass, being that now it has the curious tendency to show off horizontal stripes, vaguely resembling the strips of wood of the chair.
As my masochism has not yet come to known levels of 'Alfieri and Leopardi, who were tied to the chair (I hope it was convenient), I went on a mission.
In fact, the missions were two.
(Add information for completeness and because, after all, always on the same anatomical part).
The second was to buy a San Pellegrino Magnesia ...
Eh! My Dear Go and explain to the pharmacist in French!
I think it is better not to get the nice box and leave room for your imagination.

Do both embassies I head home, this time without major mishaps.
At least not to the front door.
Once there, I discovered a new rule French

in Paris are not allowed to fool.

So, no senility, forgetfulness, or similar ...

In practice, supermarkets, museums and places of all sorts are privileged access, facilities for disabled people (thankfully! Then civilization exists somewhere !!!).
But how to dotage, are not granted discounts!
the series take them on a cliff and throw them down to mo 'custom of the Spartans.
Oh better still
abandoned all hope you oh That issue ,
home more because you will not enter!
fact, came to the door and nailed them to rest, bearing with my arms, looking towards the other ... and ...
First attempt: "38 47". Not open.
Second attempt: "83 74". Not yet.
Third attempt: "43 87". Either.
Fourth attempt (disperato!): "Open sesame!" ...
After an irrational rant for ten minutes, I turn to reasonable solutions to fit:

a) name is one of the roommates on your mobile .
Too bad I do not have the phone back.

b) I'm calling from a phone booth.
not remember their numbers by heart (discounted at this point, I would say!).
End of reasonable accommodation.

are racist against the Parisians of dumb.
I am senile and therefore discriminated against.

Now, irony aside, it seems the right thing with regard to, for example, an elderly person who has memory problems or any others who have difficulty remember the correct sequence of numbers?
There seems proper that we should stay out of their homes waiting for the first tenant of the building and sneak in tow, like a thief (that is my case, of course!), Or that the door is decides to open?

soon as you can see a picture dell'aggeggio hell, taken from the web.
Do not be fooled by the locks that you see because they are a bluff.
How do you say?
Horned and bunches!
C'est la vie!

Monday, September 13, 2010

White Thick Discharge????

Prologue MIS A JOUR ET

Just before brutally suppress my previous Blog, I was telling of my adventures in Paris, and I came here ...


Recently I came across often in ports of various kind : doors by open, doors by cross , doors by close and yes, even from beat in around of few moments . A dd that in this last case I always the my reasons. probably who , for this, I deny, should groped of look a tad more in the of jamb and understand that over to a behavior sudden blame , there are of reasons well outlined and not negligible .

in the previous episode
Both for remain in theme of doors ... yesterday that of house is open " by only " with so of squeak in style The Others , or should I say Les Autres (???) However, with my great disappointment the night last I have not seen appear no ghost. And I that already imagined of to write the sequel of The Chanterville Ghost, and ssendo that today enjoy of a vein rather humorous , while crunch pop corn semi-charred and insipid, to completion of a great lunch based of pudding .

How , instead , to draft from the door open not been , as thought , guilty of a torticollis crazy that I forces to remain turn constantly to left , increasing so ego male of those that you believe observed with insistence and confirm it with so of smile to Casanova .
After careful analysis I identified the accused mes amis!

The cushion French !

Square and forced in a pillowcase rectangular has inevitably shown the his disappointment flattening to mo ' of slices , reaching a consistency equal to zero . Needless to say that is been the my neck to modeled to cushion in protest, and not vice versa !
Done this , that me push to cross Boulevard for buy of new .
For as about the shape ... you say that are rectangular , the inconvenience is that in a pillowcase Italian there are two! Shortly evil is save of cloth and you satisfied .
So I have returned home, with so much of pillows in hand, watching (forzatamente!) on left , of lords fervent due to a game of bowls played the edge of the Boulevard.

Shortly ago I tried of steal by a tg local what is going to Rom and especially what is combining Sarkozy .
The French will a language Latin and easy, that of many ( that then I see try ) fact is that I have not managed to steal just a beautiful nothing between all that turnbinio of "R" and "o la la la ...
will arrange otherwise !


I then understood what it is combining the local Premier Sarkozy They search online and buy a newspaper from which to hear read aloud, I swear, it was a performance of a few! Poor flurry of "r" and no "or la la la", but a more worthy "pu ** ana bitch!" Because when there vo 'ce vo'!
Basically, as I think you know, the Roma were handed a check and an airline ticket, and then very carefully packed and shipped in their "Weights of origin". A maneuver uncivilized and preposterous!
For once, Italian politicians, not least, avoided waste (mind you that the irony is so sharp that the blade could come off the screen!) not pouring any check, nor will tickets.
In any event after the event last Saturday, all is silent. Or so it seems.

Speaking d 'more ...
Last Friday, after studying, I came an attack of claustrophobia by 4 walls .
"Heck, I am in Paris and I'm moldy in the house! Excellent! "
So I gave birth to the decision to quit.
Really, it was a party! Due to the climate here is already pretty sharp, considering those are my endurance of cool!
Anyway ... wanted to dress zero.
I confess that I thought going out in pajamas, so here you do not calculate any! You can also go out in his underwear, with rolls and much of the retina in the head. I admit that I do not mind being a little annoyed by people who will team up and down. It seems almost a invasion of privacy, what the hell!
But no, I'm out in my pajamas! I made the effort to put jeans and a shirt, jacket and scarf to follow and go!
jacket and scarf in tow, as all those who go to the grocery store, as Carrefour in Paris is well known by most, but if you escape the memories, lives a tribe full of penguins, so it is maintained year-round (including leap years) temperature - 10 ° C.
While it remains for 3 minutes hallucinating because of the price of strawberries (5 Euro per vaschettina) an old woman hit me with his straddle ultracarico, and attack a speech of apology for a period of sermon, of course in the 'language of the place ...
Result: I did not understand half a word, but the old lady was happy. So it's okay.
finally arrive at the counter, in a state of hypothermia. While I try to understand how much the bill (the pronunciation of the numbers I am equal to a astronomical theory!) a guy, complete with a bottle of Coca Cola slipped under his jacket, falls behind me babbling do not know what me and the cashier who laughs and dismisses it. All the while I look and I keep repeating "I do not understand !"... "I do not understand !"... "I do not understand!" ...
Maybe he wanted to give you the drink? Will remain a mystery.

Walking down the street with the two envelopes-rock, with no little effort, at some point I see a guy with his son to follow (11 / 12 years) walk in front of me. So far so normal, having a lively street ... Except that all of a sudden the baby (?) pulls down his pants and quietly carries out his physiological needs ( in the street!) O___o
will be normal ???!!! Question, of course, rhetoric!
This time are 10 minutes Altered side in the form of a question mark on the forehead and droplet style Manga.

Finally, at the door of the building that a tenant meeting gentilemnte offers to help with the shopping bags. I think he cursed his kindness strategic instant in which they were raised and to find that I lived at 4 ^ floor (no elevator) , spiral staircases, narrow steps, slippery with every fraction of a fall risk second!
"Très gentil! Au revoir!"
"Du rien! Bonne soir!" ... I suppose that was tantamount to a "Putanne Merde!" ( the maximum vulgar French) , considering the evolution of color in his face: pale blue, purple, bluish.

next time mes amis!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Basment Floor Sealer Efflorescence

Robbie Williams - Shame! Is there or is there? Log in

It is very Brokeback Mountain ... but it is very nice this video shows that the agreement "gay" between the two "friends" ...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hallucinogenic Toothpaste

when it rains

Rain and tears do not confuse them more.
The first is acid;
the second is up ...
flavor of a non-verbal language.

the morning slips slow on my naked body and tender, engraver.
do not nullify the look in a cafe.
Refusal of getting lost in labyrinthine ramblings,
cunning traps naughty thoughts.

Only, I remain behind the window.
expects the clouds are incinerated by Vincente Sol.

Like a cat.
Like when it's raining outside.

Metereopatica? No, thanks.

only way is pregnant,
painted in my eyes, evoking ancient world.
Hail to thee, Goddess Bast! traits and pleasing as solar heat on the skin.
Bast Egyptian, Greek and Artemis.

salute you.

Like a cat.
Like when it's raining outside.

look quiet and sleepy.

* are not and "They claim to be shed"!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Foundation For Acne Scars


JF course provides flights to vast horizons, different oceans of thoughts scattered in the most sweeping suffering.
Seeing I thought of you.
So ... dedicated to me, above all, to Thee.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Boots That Look Like Ugg Fluff Momma

Paris, September 4, 2010

look closely at the event last Saturday I was able to give certainty to my suspicion that we are all on the same boat bilge water, still water and not end.
The problems are quite common: eviction of Roma carried out in ways absurd and questionable, fomenting xenophobia, education and public research into serious difficulties, lack of regularization of residence permits, lack of security, pensions questionable and so on.
In the square there were many people, the newspapers say at least fifty thousand people, I do not know precisely quantify.
Men, elderly and old, boys and girls.
Women, many, many women! I can not deny that this has a long proud.
But the problem is that even here, as in Italy, the current government someone has voted, and that someone is the majority! And, again, that, according to opinion polls, the majority shares in full its policies, according to local newspapers.

I read that a sociologist, Alain Touraine, declares to be "outrage and unacceptable" to society as a whole rimobilitare.
I'm just wondering:
If not now, when?